Here you will find important information necessary to help you understand how things work at Skin Essentials before your treatment, on the day and immediately after in case of emergency.
Before your appointment day. 1.Your prepaid initial consultation:
All initial appointments are prepaid and non refundable to secure your appointment.
As a small business, late cancellations and no-shows significantly impact our business viability so we enforce penalties. Please ensure you are familiar with our policies before booking and paying if this is likely to be a concern.
Some important information:
A. The appointment time you choose reserves a period of time in clinic with us. It’s often impossible to fill these even with enough notice given many procedures have some downtime and require planning.
B. Regularly cancelling/rescheduling your appointment ultimately impacts the results that are possible for your investment. We allow one chance to reschedule a booked appointment without forfeit per year.
Upon making your appointment you will be emailed a confirmation email with relevant information on finding us, including parking and allowing enough time to allow for traffic and parking as parking can be hard to come by in Liverpool. The medical centre does have complimentary underground parking for patients and Westfields Liverpool is a 5-minute walk away and has 3 hours free parking.
Included in that form will also be a New Patient Intake Form - please fill this out within 48 hours as accurately as possible so we can make the most of your time in clinic addressing your concerns and treatment if we begin.
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On the day of your appointment: 3. We pride ourselves on running on time. It’s a measure of respect for your reserved time, us and the patients after you that you aim to be punctual so as not to disadvantage yourself nor inconvenience others after you. Patients who are repeatedly late to appointments will be refused future appointments.
4. Attending your appointment alone:
- consultations and treatments are best undertaken without the distraction of children, partners and friends.
- there are many points to cover in your consultation and these are best done with you as the sole focus of Dr Imaan’s attention. Rarely, there may be a genuine need to have a support person with you - please check with staff before booking your appointment if this is the case but our general policy is that only the person having the treatment should be in the room with Dr Imaan.
-we have a strict child-free policy unless the patient being treated is a child. The clinic has limited space and we cannot be responsible for watching your children while you have a treatment.
- please attend your appointment
without any makeup, and preferably without any jewellery. If attending for a skin cancer check, please try and avoid spray tans and nail polish prior. Please bring wipes with you if attending from work. It is imperative that Dr Imaan can see your skin in its natural form and that the clinical photos we take at your baseline are a true indicator of your concerns.
5. Please bring along 100 point ID - Medicare card and a driver’s licence.
Limitations of medical treatments and proceduresAt Skin Essentials we treat non medically necessary care - skincare and medical aesthetics as a medical service. As with all prescription drugs and medications, while safe in experienced hands, there is a small but real risk of side effects and complications which will be discussed with you prior and outlined in the consent forms - low risk is not NO risk.
There is always some downtime with all procedural treatments including common known side effects such as bruising, swelling, lumps and bumps and unevenness. Biopsies and excisions for skin cancer concerns will always result in scarring to various degrees and there is a small risk of infection.
Emergencies, if they were to occur, usually do so within the first 24- 72 hours of any treatment, and you will be given a way to contact the clinic should this occur.
Thereafter, if there are any non urgent concerns, please contact us to organise a review appointment.
Barring the period in the first 24- 72 hours post treatment, when we might see unexpected emergencies, we do not offer an oncall service for non urgent issues or questions.
If you have a concern following treatment please contact us to organise a followup appointment. A fee may apply for this.
Non urgent enquiries can be noted to discuss at your next clinic appointment.
Emails and texts are for administrative issues only. We only provide medical advice during consultations.