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How do you approach medical aesthetics?

It's interesting to us here at Skin Essentials that we frequently see patients, who have either been to several other clinics before finding us, or who used to see us and then went elsewhere, only to eventually return, that we hear the following feedback from them:

  • I went there because it was cheap and what could go wrong with some anti wrinkle injections right?
  • I went there when I had an issue to fix that bothered me and wanted something done about it.
  • I went and got lip filler/ cheek filler when I felt I needed it.
  • I went there because I could take my child/ children in with me.
  • I went when I had the money to treat myself.

For the vast majority of us, this is probably a fairly typical number of reasons why you might go into a clinic for a treatment - for a pick me up; to fix a problem you noticed in the mirror; because it's cheaper than high-end clinics and more.

So the second part of the above statements, that I also hear of from patients is the following, beginning with "but..." :

  • it was rush in and rush out.
  • there was no time to discuss anything, or make a plan
  • I felt like they'd treat what I said was a concern, until the next time I went in with a new concern
  • some of the results weren't the same as when I was coming here.
  • I didn't feel like there was someone overseeing the plan, telling me when to show up, what to do in between
  • I didn't feel like there was someone in charge other than me, and I didn't want to be in charge.

When it comes to medical aesthetics, I'll be the first person to tell you to choose based on your desires, wishes and willingness to budget.

There's no point choosing a clinic such as ours, where our signature approach is full face restoration and planning over some months, then maintenance, if all you want is some anti wrinkle or lip filler on demand.

We will both be disappointed.

At the same time, one of my favourite sayings about any service is, that it can't be good AND fast AND cheap. So at best, you can have 2 of the 3, so which 2 will you choose?

In my experience, people who compete mainly on price do so because they don't have much else to compete on (yet) - they are usually new to the field, and building their skills.

People who are good, are rarely cheap. And depending on how long you've disliked what you see in the mirror, the extent of sundamage and lifestyle choices, and your willingness to show up and to budget, we will be spending weeks to months to correct the many issues that bother you, and then work on a maintenance plan going forward.

At Skin Essentials, there is no one size fits all approach to any face, at any age or stage of life. Each is unique and beautiful.

Equally, our values and ethos means that if you've left it too late and surgery is your best option, we will say so to you, instead of taking your money to disappoint you. Occasionally we will have patients who do not wish to have surgery, understand the limitations of non surgical approaches and choose to proceed anyway.

Either way, it begins with a comprehensive consultation with you, to assess your concerns, your plans, your willingness to budget and to be held accountable and to begin. On average, it will take anywhere from 3-12 months to get to results and maintenance, so you need to be aware of what is required of you.

Along the way, we will spend the necessary time, we will hold your hand if needed and we will make changes slowly as skin and faces take time.

Medical aesthetics done well, is not an impulse buy, nor a DIY project, but rather similar to orthodontics or planning a bathroom renovation - it takes planning, assessment, budgeting and some weeks to months of inconvenience where you entertain doubts and show up anyway, to get to the end goal.

Most of our patients who have taken this road, tell us it is well worth it.

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Monday: CLOSED 
Tuesday: By arrangement 
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00 
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:00 
Friday: 08:00- 16:00 
Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00 (1/month)

Suite 9, 42 Bigge St Liverpool 2170

02 97348845

Skin Essentials will be CLOSED Starting December 21, 2024. We will look forward to serving you in 2025. 

Please plan appointments, skincare prescriptions, & replenishment accordingly to avoid disruptions.

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