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Medical Grade Skincare

Giving You More Options with Medical Grade Skincare As I’ve branched into skincare and injectables, I field many enquiries regularly about skin regimens, if I know any that are worth spending on, evidence-based and what I would recommend.   As women, we feel a real pressure in a society that judges us first, by our looks. Sometimes our looks are seen as the only worthy thing about us.  While I don’t believe this is the only thing that defines us, I know most of us want to look our best, at any age! Additionally, I’m regularly approached by women with skin concerns that haven’t been addressed- rosacea, thin skin, adult acne, hyperpigmentation, prominent surface vessels and more. 1. Aspect Dr skincare products and chemical peels range which I’ve decided to stock. I shall cover these in more detail in another post, but in summary: chemical peels for skin maintenance, pigmentation, problem skin, including rosacea and ageing. 2. Rodan and Fields, from the USA. It is formulated by the two dermatologists who created Proactiv for teenage acne, and this brand targets sun damaged skin. I have some sample packs of these to those looking for a skincare regime for their sensitive skin, to combat general ageing and who are fighting hyperpigmentation and sun damage. The best part? All R+F regimens and products are backed by a 60 day empty bottle guarantee so you’ve literally nothing to lose. This is also a great option for those who are hesitant to try injectables, or simply don’t have the time for in-clinic appointments.  If you’d like to know more, here’s my website:  It contains a Skin Solutions Tool that’ll give you an idea of your skin needs which may help you (and me) determine which of the two will suit you better! Want to discuss it further with me? Book here for a consultation to discuss your expectations, budget and cost for you. Hope to see you in a clinic soon! Any questions? email us at contact@skinessentials.com.au

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