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how to reverse dermal fillers

Dissolving Clinic

From time to time, despite all due care, fillers can give an effect that is unwanted, or they may migrate from the area of injection to another area.

Dr Imaan is beginning to see more patients present to us from other clinicians, with results they are unhappy with, and which they want dissolved to begin again.

When this occurs, it is important to have a consultation to discuss options, including returning to the initial treating injector to discuss dissolving with them. 

If this is not possible, or desirable, then we will discuss your options including an assessment at the initial consultation as to what is possible and when. 

What is hyaluronidase? It is an enzyme that breaks down hyaluronic acid, which is a base building block in healthy, plump skin, and which can be injected in the form of non permanent dermal fillers to almost any part of the skin to enhance its properties.

Unfortunately, each patient anatomy is unique, and in some cases fillers, no matter how well placed initially, can migrate – this is especially common around the eyes and the lips, two of the most mobile places on faces, leading to unwanted lumps, bumps and comments from strangers.

Dissolving Fillers

Sometimes we may have dermal fillers and find we do not like the results, and want them dissolved. 

Barring blockage of an important blood vessel during placement of dermal filler, which is a medical emergency and needs dissolution ASAP, all other consultations related to use of hyaluronidase should be planned and discussed with enough time given for the patient to make an informed decision.

In Australia the enzyme is sourced from bovine (cow) sources and side effects are uncommon

Allergy – 1:1000 quoted risk, including anaphylaxis. More common side effects include redness, swelling and discomfort.

Removing too much filler – there is no way to predict how much filler will be dissolved. Dr Imaan uses a handheld ultrasound to target overfilled areas, as always on the basis of less is more, and injects slowly and carefully till the desired outcome is achieved, though we cannot guarantee that it will
only dissolve the filler that is problematic.

Infection and bruising is always a risk whenever skin is punctured.

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Advice from an aesthetic doctor on Ozempic Face

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My anti-wrinkle injections did not last!

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What I am doing differently in 2023

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Price is important, but not the most important factor, and as long as they know what they need to save in time for the next appointment, they plan appropriately. In 2023, I am moving away from a lot of the interactions that I found draining in 2022 with patients who, quite simply, were not aligned with me and the way I work, in part as I was not clear enough about it. So what are some examples of patients for whom I am unlikely to be the right doctor?  1. They are not looking for a longterm plan to help them age well.  Full face rejuvenation is my signature treatment and the one that gives me the greatest joy and the best results for my patients.  I am really not a fan of just some anti wrinkle to one area and  lip/ cheek filler as and when a patient feels they need more and orders some. It is not how I work. I look at the whole face as pieces of a jigsaw puzzle - as the ageing process begins to take hold, pieces of the puzzle go missing, and it takes more than just 1-2 mls of filler or some anti wrinkle treatment initially, to begin to correct this. For those patients who start at a good time, as early as their 20s and early 30s, it’s true that initially there’s not much to do beyond a focus on the basics including excellent, personalised skincare but having a comprehensive plan allows us to stay on top of it and to plan for what is likely to come and to prepare for it. These patients may need either occasional enhancement eg lip filler or maintenance by way of some anti wrinkle treatment to target early lines and wrinkles, some undereye correction and any other early signs of ageing. Costs are usually around $3000 a year or thereabouts depending on where you start and what’s needed. The older patient, as early as mid 30s and up, needs far more work if nothing has been done until then. 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