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Initial Consultation

Great! So you are ready to take the first step.

We are a medical aesthetic clinic and many of our products need to be tailored to your skin’s specific needs, so an initial consultation is necessary for most appointments.

We are SO excited to have you jump onboard!

You will find below the booking link, but before you head on over, keep in mind – you will need your credit card handy, as many bookings require an upfront deposit to secure appointments.

We book out some weeks ahead, so if you don’t see availability on the software, please email us to see if there are any spots available last minute or to go on a waitlist for your preferred date/ time.

See you in clinic soon!

Book Here

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Sign Up to Newsletter

Monday: CLOSED 
Tuesday: By arrangement 
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00 
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:00 
Friday: 08:00- 16:00 
Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00 (1/month)

Suite 9, 42 Bigge St Liverpool 2170

02 97348845
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