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Forehead lines treatment Liverpool Sydney

Forehead Lines Treatment

Of all the upper face anti wrinkle treatment areas, the forehead is usually the trickiest.

It is a broad sheet of muscle in the skull, overlying the frontal bone, and is the ONLY elevator in the face. All other muscles pull the face DOWN. So treating the forehead can be tricky and difficult for inexperienced injectors and in older faces which have other signs of ageing that make treating this area harder, such as hooded eyelids, volume loss and more. 

When done well, anti wrinkle injections to the forehead should not feel heavy, and should still allow movement of the eyebrows and animation of the upper face – it is unnerving to talk to someone who is unable to move their eyebrows or forehead, and even worse if the dose is so heavy/ frozen as to render them looking sleepy or morose.

how to get rid of forehead lines Sydney

Average dose 10-20 units in a female

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