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What you need to know about Biostimulator Filler R

Ok, so we’ve been getting a lot of enquiries about biostimulatory fillers, and we wrote a post on one of them here.

Here is the other one on offer here at Skin Essentials, also known as calcium hydroxyapatite.

What do you need to know about it to help you decide if you might be a candidate for it?

Here is some initial information : 

  • FDA approved since 2006
  • versatile biostimulatory filler to restore volume loss and improve lines and wrinkles
  • also the only FDA approved injectable to date for use for rejuvenation in hands
  • like other biostimulatory fillers, NOT reversible (so choose your clinician wisely) 


How can it be used? 

1. As a straight out filler, for cheeks, jawlines and more, where it has among the best ability to volumise sunken faces. 

2. Diluted, in a ratio of 1:2 or higher, as a “wash” under the skin, to improve fine lines and wrinkles, crepiness, acne scars and even cellulite. Used this way, it can be used for overall subtle rejuvenation of the face, neck, hands, arms, abdomen and buttocks to improve skin quality by inducing collagen without adding volume. 


So how does this filler work? 

  • unlike hyaluronic acid fillers, the base material is calcium hydroxyapatite which stimulates collagen induction offer time.
  • like HA fillers, CaHa works immediately to provide subtle volume and improvement to the treated area and over time, as the gel carrier is absorbed by the body, it stimulates your own collagen which lasts 18-24 months.
  • used as a hyperdilute wash, this improves texture of skin where it is injected including in areas affected by chronic sun damage such as the face, neck, chest and hands. 

Are there any side effects? 

As with any injected medical procedure, commonest side effects include bruising and swelling and temporary lumps and bumps. 

There is minimal aftercare unlike with the other brand of biostimulatory filler and I’d suggest 2-3 sessions in total a month apart for the initial course and then annually to maintain. 

How much are you likely to need? 

This filler comes in syringes of 1.5ml usually. Depending on the part of the body being treated and whether it is used diluted or undiluted will make a difference how much is needed. 

Here is a guideline as to number of syringes needed, though the consultation is designed to address this with an accurate quote as well as detailed informed consent prior to proceeding with treatment (usually on another day unless time permits). 

  • face and neck - usually a single 1.5ml syringe each per session
  • hands - usually a single 1.5ml syringe for both hands, diluted to 3mls total
  • buttocks - 1 syringe per cheeks for cellulitis and sagging skin (not for non surgical BBL which is much more)
  • thighs - 1 syringe per thigh area (inner or outer)
  • abdomen - minimum 2 syringes
  • arms - usually 1 syringe per arm 

2 sessions are initially needed for any given treatment area, spaced a month apart then repeated 6-12 months for maintenance and results last upto 2 years. 

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