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Reopening after COVID19

When the COVID19 pandemic hit us and lockdowns began, we were likely expecting to be facing restrictions for much longer than we’d wanted and expected.

Months, possibly.

Instead, thanks in large part to frontline workers and the efforts of everyone else who has stayed at home and done the right thing, we’ve managed to flatten the curve and to avoid overwhelming the health system- for now.

In the wake of this, there are plans afoot to open up certain types of surgery from next week, 27/4/2020 and to see what effect that has, if any, on cases.

It’s worrying to see that some others have continued injecting and others will be resuming business from 27/4/2020.

I’ve sought advice from my medical defence organisation and while it’s not illegal, their advice remains - they strongly advise against all non essential medical services in view of the risk despite all due precautions and the ongoing shortage of protective equipment for frontline workers including GPs to see actual sick people.

I can’t in good conscience open at present so we will delay and wait until May 11 or so to see what the recommendation is.

I’d hate to see a second wave because people take it upon themselves to open too soon after all the success we have achieved as a nation, largely due to the hardworking frontline workers who have taken the risk for all of us.

We hope to open around May 11th or just after, and all being well, we will have plenty of time to focus on your skin goals this winter in a safe and ethical manner without taking away from frontline workers.

Until then, please stay at home, stay safe and keep saving for your treatments.

For those observing Ramadan, Ramadan Mubarak, we hope to open up bookings from Monday, May 11th if all remains well, and we look forward to welcoming you in our purpose built clinic just for skin soon.

Bookings may be done here.

We will post more closer to the date about how we aim to protect you and ourselves while caring for your skin, all being well. Hope to see you in clinic soon.


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Monday: CLOSED 
Tuesday: By arrangement 
Wednesday: 08:00 - 16:00 
Thursday: 08:00 - 16:00 
Friday: 08:00- 16:00 
Saturday: 09:00 – 13:00 (1/month)

Suite 9, 42 Bigge St Liverpool 2170

02 97348845
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