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Frequently Asked - Thread Lifts

There has been a recent surge of interest in thread lifts and I have been getting some questions around them.

There are different types of threads that can be used to lift areas of the face that are traditionally less responsive to the use of fillers, which typically can help add some volume to parts of the face, traditionally the mid face (cheeks, temples).

For patients who are bothered by jowls and sag around the lower face, the best way to manage it, provided it has not been left too long, is via threadlifts. Usually, the best result is still in women who would benefit from a combination of dermal fillers, some anti wrinkle treatments and thread lifts.

I tend to work from a top down approach - beginning with adding volume to the mid face to help fill sagging skin up, which may add a small amount of lift, so that when we get to the lower face, the threads can be used to lift sagging skin that is not responsive to fillers.

Here are some examples of people that I have done this procedure on. I myself underwent the procedure in November 2018, so I could understand the process from a patient’s point of view.

Key take home points:

  1. The procedure is slightly more uncomfortable than dermal fillers
  2. It may be undertaken using local anaesthetic, or if you prefer, under light sedation
  3. If done while awake, it takes about an hour from start to finish
  4. A needle is used to pass fine threads under the skin, which are then pulled to stretch lax skin taut.
  5. You may go home straight after the procedure (someone will need to drive you home if you opt for sedation)
  6. You may return to work the next day
  7. You may not exercise for 3 weeks afterwards and will be advised to sleep on your back for 3 nights afterwards.
  8. Over the following two weeks, as you move your face, there will be gradual sag of your skin. Over time, the threads will cause new collagen to form under the skin, which may last around 1.5-2 years.
  9. At that point, due to the ageing process, you may need revision of the procedure to adjust the tissue again

Depending on your face and areas of concern, you may have between 2-4 threads on each side of the face.The cost begins around $3000 but is dependent on the number of threads needed, which varies based on the patient - their age, their concerns, their skin quality and more.

This procedure is best for people in their 30s and 40s, but my oldest patients have been in their 60s, who wanted some improvement, without the cost of a facelift ($20-50k).

As with all procedures that involve the face, commonest side effects are bruising, bleeding, and a small risk of infection especially if you have other medical concerns.

We advise that you not undertake any significant medical procedures 2 weeks prior to any travel, or any big events such as weddings, parties and similar due to bruising and time to settle being the commonest side effects, which may cause anxiety.

If you would like more information on thread lifts, and to discuss options and a personalised treatment plan for you, please get in touch on 02 9734 8845 or email us on contact@skinessentials.com.au

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